(English Follows)


  • 受講される方々への万が一の感染を防止するため、可能な限りの対策を講じてまいります:
    • 新型コロナウィルスに対し万全の対策をとっている会場を選定
    • 会場の定期的な換気・空調管理
    • 講師および受講者間の適度な物理的距離の確保
    • 不特定多数との接触の抑制(プログラム受講中の同一会議室の利用)
    • 会場へのアルコール消毒液、除菌用ウェットティッシュ、うがい薬の設置など
  • 講師、事務局に対しては、以下の対策を行っております:
    • うがい、手洗いの励行、換気、咳エチケットの徹底指導
    • プログラム開始前の健康チェック
    • 通常の業務においては、可能な限りの時差出勤、在宅勤務の推奨、また、海外・国内出張の制限





Considering recent developments in the global coronavirus outbreak, we have decided to implement the following set of measures for upcoming programs:

  • To protect program participants:
    • Select a venue with adequate countermeasures against the coronavirus
    • Ensure proper ventilation, adequate air conditioning of the program venues
    • Ensure a reasonable physical distance between the instructor and program participants
    • Limit contacts with other groups (eg. sharing a conference room)
    • Provide alcohol-based hand sanitizers, disinfecting wipes, mouthwash, etc.
  • From our instructors and supporting personnel, we ask:
    • Regular hand washing and mouthwash use, adequate hygiene etiquette and ventilation
    • Undergoing a pre-program health check
    • Outside of the programs, work at staggered times and from home as much as possible, also restricting overseas and domestic business travel

Additionally, the program may be postponed if we judge we cannot reasonably ensure the safety of those who will be attending. If this situation arises, we will notify all participants by email and phone. In the meantime, we will also provide regular updates on our website.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.